Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Twitter and I just had our one year anniversary, so I guess now is a good time to step back and evaluate our relationship. In the last year, I've posted or retweeted 257 tweets, so that averages out to less than one tweet a day. I go through phases where I use it more, but I also often forget to tweet for a week or so. Even when I don't tweet, I usually check twitter every day on my phone or while I'm sitting in class. I follow 99 people right now and have 67 followers. Most of the people that I follow are people I know. I'm not very interested in following celebrities, but there are maybe two or three on my following list. I'm mostly just interested in what my friends are doing, and if more of my close friends were on Twitter, I think I would use it more. If you aren't on Twitter, here is what my page looks like.

My following page. I think everyone in this screenshot is a classmate for ENM . Welcome to Twitter guys :) 

My followers. I'm particularly honored that my little brother thought I was worth following again. 

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