I posted some notes from our New New Media textbook on our
class wiki about what new new media actually is. In case someone decides to vandalize my page and delete all the notes
or you just don't want to go to the site to figure out what I'm talking about with new new media, here is a quick overview:
Old Media, New Media, and New New Media
Old Media
- Controlled by a gatekeepers (editors/producers)
- Audiences can receive and consume information, but not publish it
- Examples:
- Printing press
- Radio
- Television
New Media
- Still works with publishers rather than consumers
- Easier for users to publish information than old media
- Examples:
- New York Times online
- Amazon
- Twitter
New New Media
- Producer and consumer can be the same person
- Anyone can create
- Examples
- Facebook
- Twitter
- YouTube
- Google +
- Wikipedia
- Blogs
New Media v Social Media
- Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, ect. are frequently termed "social media"
- There are also social aspects of new media, and even old media
- A consumer acting as a producer does not necessarily need to be social
- New New Media is not distinguished by the social component
Guiding Principals of New New Media
- Every consumer is a producer
- Author has powers of a traditional publisher
- You get what you don't pay for
- Always free to to the consumer and sometimes the producer
- This is why Amazon and iTunes are not new new media
- Competitive and mutually catalytic
- Sites compete with another but also work to benefit each other
- Many links between sites
- More than search engines and email
- Email, search engines, and PayPal help support new new media but are not new new media
- Cannot be fundamentally created or tailored by users
- New new media ultimately beyond the user's control
- New new media requires platforms that are beyond user/consumer control
- We notices this when the medium interface changes without our control
- New new media sites can disappear overnight
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